Best Espresso Machines of 2024

by Cat DeLaus Updated: March 20, 2024 26 min read
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If you’re in the market for a new espresso machine, Whole Latte Love is here to help. We have a multitude of options to choose from, but we know it can be hard to find the best espresso machine to fit your exact needs. That’s why we’ve compiled this guide with the information you need to know to find the best espresso machine for your home or office. Read on to learn more about the different types of espresso machines as well as what the pros and cons are of some of the most popular espresso machines that we offer.

Table of Contents

  1. How Do I Choose an Espresso Machine
  2. What are the Different Espresso Machines
  3. Espresso Machine vs. Espresso Appliance
  4. Best Prosumer: Dual Boiler Espresso Machine
  5. Best Heat Exchanger Espresso Machine
  6. Best Entry-Level Espresso Machine
  7. Best Automatic Espresso Machines

How Do I Choose an Espresso Machine?

When you’re looking for the best espresso machine for you, what will work best depends on what you need from an espresso machine. If you’re looking for a machine that will do it all for you from bean to cup, you may want to consider a super-automatic espresso machine. If you’re new to the world of espresso but want to learn more about crafting your own shots, a single boiler espresso machine will come with basic abilities and a lower price tag that make them a good entrance into the espresso machine world. Heat exchanger and double boiler machines come with better steaming abilities and the added convenience of not having to wait between pulling shots and steaming milk.

If you want to learn more about how to choose the best espresso machine for you, you can read more about what features and factors to consider here.

What are the Different Espresso Machines?

There are different types of espresso machines that are differentiated by their internal components, namely what type of boiler they use. Each type of espresso machine has its own advantages and disadvantages, and here’s a basic overview to help you decide which type of machine will best suit your needs. If you’re still unsure which would be best for you, feel free to contact our sales team to speak with one of our knowledgeable representatives about what might be the best espresso machine for you.

How to Choose the Best Espresso Machine for Beginners
How to Choose the Best Espresso Machine for Beginners

How to Choose the Best Espresso Machine for Beginners

Do you want to make lattes and cappuccinos from the comfort of your home? Here’s our guide on choosing the best entry-level espresso machines to get you started!
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Rotary Versus Vibration Pumps

The difference between a rotary and vibration pump isn’t just the engineering side of things – there’s a noticeable difference for the user as well. Vibration pumps are often louder as they can cause rattling due to the vibration during the brew process. On the other hand, rotary pumps are usually quieter, though there can still be rattling or noise during the brewing process. If noise is a big consideration for you, though, a rotary pump is likely the best option. In addition, most commercial or home espresso machines with rotary pumps are plumbable and can be connected to a water line in your home. Many find this to be more convenient since it means you won’t have to empty the drip tray or refill the water reservoir, so if this is a feature you want be sure to choose a plumbable machine.

Rotary pumps are considered to be commercial grade and are much quieter than their counterpart, the vibration pump. Rotary pumps also get to full pressure more quickly.

Group Types

If a machine has an E61 group, it means that the group head is heated using thermosiphoning. This is when hot water is constantly cycled through the group, which leads to a more consistent temperature but also means longer heat-up times. E61 groups are the norm for heat exchanger and dual boiler espresso machines, but some heat exchanger espresso machines use an electronically heated group instead of an E61 group. Since these use a thermostat instead of convection to heat the group, they heat up faster, but may not have the same temperature stability provided by E61 groups.

Learn More About E61 Group Machines
Intro to Calculating Flow Rate on E61 Group Machines

Intro to Calculating Flow Rate on E61 Group Machines

Flow control is the latest trend in espresso. It’s a tool to help you get more out of your coffee by extracting specific flavors, aromas, and nuances out of your favorite coffee and now it’s more accessible on prosumer-level home espresso machines from manufacturers including Profitec and ECM, as well as high-end home and commercial machines like Dalla Corte’s Mina.
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Heating Elements

PID, which stands for Proportional Integral Derivative, is a type of temperature control that is created when the system constantly monitors the water temperature and pressure and makes small adjustments to keep your machine where you want it to be. Without PID, a machine will measure the temperature but oftentimes will turn off the heating element once the water hits the right temperature, then shut off until the machine drops several degrees, which means less thermal stability.

Single Boiler Espresso Machines

A single boiler espresso machine is oftentimes considered a beginner-friendly machine. These machines have only one boiler that can be used for both brewing espresso and steaming milk once they’re switched from one setting to another. Single boiler machines are also more compact since they don’t have multiple boilers or a larger heat exchanger boiler, so they may be a better choice if you have a small amount of space to dedicate to your espresso setup.

Most single boiler machines have electrically heated groups, not E61 groups, so they are likely to warm up faster. Single boiler machines also generally won’t let you customize the temperature setting and don’t have PID temperature control installed.

History and Common Misconceptions of Espresso
Espresso for Beginners: History and Common Misconceptions

Espresso for Beginners: History and Common Misconceptions

What’s exactly is espresso? How is it made? What’s the difference between coffee and espresso? We dive into the history of espresso and more in this article!
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Heat Exchanger Espresso Machines

In a heat exchanger espresso machine, there is only one boiler, but due to the type of construction, you can simultaneously brew espresso and steam milk, unlike a normal single boiler machine. Heat exchanger, or HX, espresso machines have more options than dual boiler machines, which usually come with the same features for group type, temperature control, and pumps. HX espresso machines can come with or without PID temperature control, have vibration pumps or rotary pumps, may or may not be plumbable, and may have electronically heated groups instead of E61 groups.

With HX machines, you also often have to do a cooling flush at the start of the brewing process to ensure that the water used for brewing won’t be too hot. This may not be the case in some HX espresso machines with PID, but it is something that has to be considered on a case by case basis by machine.

Dual Boiler Espresso Machines

A dual boiler espresso machine is a machine that has two boilers – one dedicated to brewing and one dedicated to steaming. The norm for a dual boiler espresso machine is a rotary pump, PID temperature control, and an E61 group in the machine. The main advantage of a dual boiler espresso machine is the fact that each boiler can operate independently from the other. You can just turn on your brew boiler if you don’t plan on steaming, and you don’t have to worry about any adjustments to one boiler impacting the other. There is also increased steam power because of the dedicated steam boiler, so you can steam your milk to right texture and temperature more quickly than with a heat exchanger or single boiler machine.

All of the dual boiler machines on this list have E61 groups since they’re considered to be a more commercial feature on espresso machines, and many dual boilers are designed to work in smaller commercial spaces or as an extremely high-quality option for your home.

Super-Automatic Espresso Machines

A super-automatic espresso machine is one that will do all of the work for you. With the touch of a button, an automatic espresso machine will brew your espresso or other coffee beverage without you having to manually start and stop the brew process. Some automatic espresso machines even have automatic milk steaming capabilities, which means they’re able to completely craft your beverage without any effort on your part.

Different automatic espresso machines will have different specific abilities, so make sure that you know what level of automation you want in a machine when you’re making your choice. If you like milk drinks, for example, the best espresso machine for you may be one that has a milk carafe and Panarello steam wand included. With these features, you can simply place the included carafe filled with milk in place on the espresso machine and your machine will froth and distribute milk into your drink.

Learn More About Super-Automatic Espresso Machines

What is a Super-Automatic Espresso Machine?

If you’re a first time buyer, this is definitely a question worth asking before making a purchase. These high speed machines have undergone a number of changes over the years and today they sport a number of fantastic features that have taken the home brewing experience to new levels. In most cases, it will actually be these features that ultimately determine how much you’ll wind up spending on your machine.
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If you want freshly ground coffee used to brew your drinks but don’t want the hassle of having a separate grinder, make sure that you get a bean-to-cup super-automatic machine that has a built-in grinder. If you like to use both freshly ground and pre-ground coffee, you can look for an espresso machine that has a bypass chute where you can add in already ground coffee. With so many different features available for super-automatic machines, you just have to choose whichever one you believe to be the best fit for you.

Another feature that you may want to consider is whether or not a brew group is removable. The brew group is the part of your espresso machine where your espresso is brewed and dispensed. You may be wondering what the advantage is to having a removable brew group, and the answer is simple – maintenance. With a removable brew group, you can take it out of your machine, clean it, and make sure there are no coffee grounds left behind. This increases the longevity of your machine and can also result in a better-tasting coffee or espresso. With a non-removable brew group, you will still have to perform cleaning and maintenance on your machine, it will just be in the form of a cleaning tablet or solution.

Espresso Machine vs. Espresso Appliance

The difference between an espresso machine and an espresso appliance boils down to one thing: the quality of the brewer. An espresso appliance is how we describe espresso machines that are lower quality and have materials like plastic that aren’t meant to be repaired or upgraded over time. They also usually come with a lower price tag, but they aren’t made to be as long-lasting as more expensive espresso machines.

Every machine mentioned in this article will be an espresso machine, not an espresso appliance. Though espresso appliances can be a suitable option for someone who doesn’t routinely make espresso or otherwise isn’t fully committed to investing in a machine that will last, the best home espresso machines are going to be espresso machines and not espresso appliances.

Another benefit of using an espresso machine is that they’re meant to be repaired and maintained to last for a long time. We offer a huge collection of parts and products designed for repairing and maintaining your espresso machine, and our experienced tech team is here to help you diagnose issues so you can keep your espresso machine running smoothly for years to come.

Best Prosumer: Dual Boiler Espresso Machine

Profitec Pro 300

The Profitec Pro 300
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Profitec Pro 300 Dual Boiler Espresso Machine

60 Reviews
Profitec presents the Pro 300, a powerful dual boiler espresso machine boasting a level of performance that outpaces its impressively low price-point.

If you’re looking for one of the best espresso machines for upgrading from a single boiler or heat exchanger machine to a dual boiler, the Profitec Pro 300 is a perfect choice. This compact machine is equipped with a separate steam boiler and a two-hole steam tip that makes it perfect for high-speed frothing.

This machine is also more compact than other dual boiler espresso machines, though this does mean smaller brew and steam boilers. This means that you may need to take a break when brewing back to back or steaming milk for multiple drinks in a row, but the quick heat-up time means the wait won’t be too long. To reach a stable, usable temperature on the Profitec Pro 300, you’ll only have to wait ten minutes, which is in part because of the smaller boilers.

Review of Profitec Pro 300 Dual Boiler PID Espresso Machine

Review of Profitec Pro 300 Dual Boiler PID Espresso Machine

If you’re in the market for a prosumer level machine and thought a heat-exchange model was maybe all your budget would allow, you’ll want to have a look at this one. Today we’re excited to give you a detailed look at the Profitec Pro 300.
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Overall, if you’re looking for the best home espresso machine with dual boilers that will fit in any kitchen, heat up quickly, and isn’t going to break the bank, the Profitec Pro 300 is a great choice. You can also find out more about this machine by reading or watching our in-depth review.


Things we love

  • Affordable
  • Quick heat up time
  • PID temperature controller

Things to consider

  • Small steam boiler
  • Vibration pump

Profitec Pro 600

The Profitec Pro 600

The Profitec Pro 600 is a dual boiler machine equipped with PID temperature control, an E61 brew group, and two insulated stainless steel boilers. The brew boiler has a .75L capacity while the steam boiler has a 1L capacity, so you won’t have to worry about running out of steam while steaming your milk. We also offer a version of the Profitec Pro 600 with Flow Control, so you can control the flow of water through your coffee puck for custom-timed pre-infusion.

The steam power is what really sets the Profitec Pro 600 apart from other espresso machines on the market – it can steam 6oz of milk from 40 degrees Fahrenheit to 140 degrees Fahrenheit in about 20 seconds, so you can have your milk fully steamed by the time your espresso shot is finished brewing. You can also steam milk for multiple drinks back to back without issue, and the commercial-grade four-hole steam wand tip will help your milk properly roll during the steaming process for milk texture that is just right. This is the best espresso machine for you if you brew a lot of milk-based espresso beverages since its steam power is unmatched in this category.


Things we love

  • Best in class steaming power
  • PID control and display

Things to consider

  • Vibration pump

Rancilio Silvia Pro X

The Rancilio Silvia Pro X
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Rancilio Silvia Pro X Dual Boiler Espresso Machine in Black

6 Reviews

The Rancilio Silvia Pro X is a dual boiler machine answering a combination of customer and community feedback centered around developing the original Silvia Pro to match espresso fanatics’ growing desire for experimentation when brewing.

The Rancilio Silvia Pro X is an improvement on the Silvia Pro. This dual boiler espresso machine is equipped with PID temperature control, a four-hole steam wand, upgraded filter basket options, and an affordable price tag. You can customize your brewing process with a programmable soft pre-infusion to help bring out the subtle notes of your coffee as well.

One of the features that helps make the Silvia Pro X one of the best espresso machines that we offer is the overall quality of this machine. The all stainless steel build comes together to create a commercial-grade espresso machine designed to be used at home. From the large cup warming surface on top of the machine to the adjustable cup drip tray, you can make sure that you’re getting all of the features of a more expensive espresso machine with a smaller price tag. The upgraded filter basket capacity means that you have the option for single and double filter baskets as well as triple filter baskets if that’s how you prefer to brew.


Things we love

  • Affordable
  • PID temperature control and display
  • Automatic brew and steam boiler draining

Things to consider

  • Automatic wake-up has to be manually programmed daily
  • The steam wand isn’t a no-burn style
  • The drip tray has to be lifted slightly before being removed

Profitec Pro 700

The Profitec Pro 700

If you’re looking for the best home espresso machine that is plumbable, has PID temperature control, and packs 2 bars of steam pressure, the Profitec Pro 700 is a good choice for you. We offer versions of this espresso machine with and without flow control, so if you want a longer pre-infusion than comes with a rotary pump espresso machine, you have the option for a flow control upgrade.

Profitec Pro 700 Review

Profitec Pro 700 Review

Marc reviews the Profitec Pro 700 and its newest features, including its redesigned group head and black pressure gauges.
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The boilers on the Profitec Pro 700 are made of stainless steel and come with insulation jackets, and that means you’re looking at a high level of thermal stability. The PID temperature control also means you’ll see a high degree of consistency when it comes to temperature stability, and the PID display also switches to a shot timer during brewing. The valves you’ll turn for brewing and steaming are spring-loaded, which means that they’re designed to be long-lasting and only require a quarter-turn to begin brewing or steaming.


Things we love

  • A rotary pump
  • PID temperature control
  • Insulated stainless steel boilers
  • Best in class steaming

Things to consider

  • Heavy machine

ECM Synchronika

The ECM Synchronika

When it comes to the search for the best espresso machines out there, the ECM Synchronika routinely makes our lists. This machine makes a great gift as it can be used in home or office spaces. With PID temperature control, 2 bars of steam pressure, an E61 group, rotary pump, and design details like an angled portafilter handle to make the brewing experience as easy as possible, ECM has thought of it all. We also offer the option to upgrade your machine with flow control if you’re interested in manual, customized pre-infusion or otherwise want to play with the pressure of water flowing through the puck.

The handmade construction of the Synchronika means that every machine is crafted to perfection. With insulated stainless steel boilers and an insulated steam wand that makes it so that you won’t burn your fingers if you’re adjusting the wand while steaming, you can tell that ECM put their experience to work when creating the Synchronika, which is why it’s consistently considered one of the best commercial, office, and home espresso machines out there.


Things we love

  • Rotary pump
  • A best-in-class steaming power
  • Two-hole steam wand
  • A 2L steam boiler and .75L brew boiler

Things to consider

  • Water reservoir placement

Best Heat Exchanger Espresso Machine

Bezzera BZ13 DE and PM

The Bezzera BZ13 DE and PM

The Bezzera BZ13 DE and BZ13 PM are Whole Latte Love exclusive heat exchanger espresso machines that are ready to brew and steam right out of the box. Both espresso machines are semi-automatic, heat up very quickly, have PID temperature control, and have incredible steaming capabilities. We also have wood upgrades available for both machines that include a wooden portafilter handle and knobs to add some classic style to the gleaming stainless steel of this machine’s exterior.

The copper heat exchanger boiler on this home espresso machine will heat up fully in eight minutes, so you can turn on the machine, and by the time you’ve ground, leveled, and tamped your coffee, the BZ13 will be ready to brew. The temperature is also very accurate thanks to the PID control – our tests revealed that the temperature will stay within one degree of the set temperature during brewing, placing its temperature stability among the best espresso machines on the market.

Both machines are equipped with a vibration pump, which means they aren’t plumbable, but the 3-liter water reservoir ensures you won’t be constantly refilling the tank for brewing and steaming. Another feature of the BZ13 is the electric thermostat of the group, which means that it will heat up more quickly since it doesn’t use convection heating like E61.

The only difference between the BZ13 DE and BZ13 PM are the brew switches on the front. The DE has three switches on the front – one for a pre-programmed single dose, a pre-programmed double dose, and one that can be used for a fully manual extraction or to adjust the programming of the other doses. On the PM, there is only one brew switch that can be used to pull shots manually.


Things we love

  • Quick heat up
  • Affordable pricing
  • Unmatched steam power
  • The BZ13 DE has programmable single and double shot settings
  • Both have manual shot control

Things to consider

  • Neither model is plumbable
  • Both models have vibration pumps
  • BZ13 PM doesn’t have programmable dosing settings

ECM Mechanika V Slim

The ECM Mechanika V Slim
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

ECM Mechanika V Slim Espresso Machine

55 Reviews
ECM’s Mechanika V Slim is a compact and modern take on heat exchange espresso machines with a host of cosmetic and mechanical improvements over its previous iteration.

The ECM Mechanika V Slim has a 2.2L stainless steel boiler with thermal insulation, an E61 group, and an internal design that makes maintenance simple and easy. This compact machine measures just 10 inches across and 15.5 inches tall, so you can squeeze it into any space that you want it to be in your kitchen. It will easily fit under the average upper cabinet on your counter, and the stainless steel exterior will blend with any kitchen’s design.

ECM Mechanika V Slim Review
ECM Mechanika V Slim Review

ECM Mechanika V Slim Review

With all of the positive reviews rolling in, we knew we had to revisit one of many customer favorites among the Prosumers, the ECM Mechanika V Slim.
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The design of this machine helps it make the list as one of the best espresso machines that we carry at Whole Latte Love. The internal design of this machine makes it extremely easy to open it up for maintenance, adjustments, or upgrades. The OPV has been moved to the top of the machine as well, so if you want to adjust the brew pressure it’s very simple. ECM always has an attention to detail that is refreshing to see, and the Mechanika V Slim is no exception. The included portafilter has an angled handle that will keep your filter basket level to the countertop for easy tamping, and the stainless steel exterior is both aesthetically pleasing and helps with the machine’s longevity.


Things we love

  • Compact size
  • 2.2L thermally insulated stainless steel boiler
  • Designed for easy maintenance

Things to consider

  • Needs a cooling flush
  • No PID temperature control

Rocket Appartamento

The Rocket Appartamento
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Rocket Espresso Appartamento Espresso Machine - Copper Panels

96 Reviews
The Rocket Espresso Appartamento features a heat exchange boiler, E61 group head, and an integrated dual pre-infusion system. Powerful steaming pressure, a large reservoir, and cutout panels help the Appartamento stand out as stylish and efficient.

The Rocket Appartamento is a home espresso machine with an E61 group, a 1.8L copper boiler, and a vibration pump. If you’re looking for the best home espresso machine that will also add a touch of style to your kitchen, the Appartamento is a great choice since there are so many options available for different side panel colors.

The vibration pump on the Appartamento may mean that this isn’t a plumbable espresso machine, but the water reservoir is larger than the industry standard of 2 liters and can hold 2.5 liters of water, so you won’t have to worry about constantly refilling it. Reviewers have also noted that though this machine comes with a vibration pump, it isn’t particularly loud during brewing.

Comparing the Rocket Espresso Appartamento

969 Coffee Elba 3 vs ECM Classika PID vs Rocket Espresso Appartamento

Compare some of the hottest compact E61 espresso machines. Learn the differences between heat exchanger and single-boiler dual use espresso machines.
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The steaming pressure on the Rocket Appartamento is impressive, and the stainless steel wand has a no-burn design that makes it safe to maneuver the wand during brewing. The attention to detail doesn’t stop there – the Appartamento is also equipped with unique flat, disc-shaped feet that keep the profile low. This espresso machine measures in at only 14.2 inches tall, so there’s plenty of room to place it under the average upper cabinet.


Things we love

  • 1.8L copper boiler
  • Unique disc-shaped feet
  • E61 group

Things to consider

  • No PID temperature control
  • Vibration pump

Profitec Pro 500 PID

The Profitec Pro 500 PID
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Profitec Pro 500 PID Espresso Machine

240 Reviews
The Profitec Pro 500 PID with Flow Control is a highly capable heat exchanger espresso machine, packed with commercial parts, a quiet vibration pump, and equipped to compete with more expensive machines. The 2022 update moves the PID controller with Shot Timer so it’s no longer hidden, making it easier to accurately adjust the temperature and time your shots for your brewing process.

The Profitec Pro 500 PID is equipped with a 2L stainless steel boiler, an E61 brew group, and PID control that gives an unparalleled level of temperature stability. The commercial-grade components of the Profitec Pro 500 set it apart and help it get its place on this list as one of the best espresso machines we offer. The Pro 500 is also equipped with a PID temperature display that’s hidden under the drip tray, so you can accurately adjust your brew temperature before pulling shots. The PID display also means that you won’t need to perform cooling flushes to get your heat exchanger boiler at the right temperature for brewing or steaming.

Reviewing the Profitec Pro 500 PID Espresso Machine

Product Review: Profitec Pro 500 PID Espresso Machine

The Profitec Pro 500 PID is a popular heat exchanger espresso machine with commercial components, featuring clean German design and strong performance.
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Profitec put thought and care into the design for the Pro 500 PID. This machine was designed to make self-service as easy as possible so that you can perform any required maintenance to make sure your espresso machine is in the best possible condition. In addition, the Pro 500 PID has a single-piece steel frame as well as spring-loaded steam and hot water knobs – two features that help extend the longevity of your espresso machine. Profitec built this machine to last, so they made sure to include all of the small details necessary.


Things we love

  • PID temperature control
  • 2L stainless steel boiler
  • Smart design details

Things to consider

  • Vibration pump

ECM Technika V Profi PID

The ECM Technika V Profi PID
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

ECM Technika V Profi PID Espresso Machine

31 Reviews
The ECM Technika V Profi PID is a flexible heat exchange espresso machine with the ability to switch between the water reservoir and a fixed water connection. PID temperature adjustment, its quiet rotary pump, and impeccable styling make this a strong option for the home or office.

Looking for the best espresso machine for your home office that comes with a rotary pump, PID temperature control, a PID display that doubles as a shot timer, and large pressure gauges that make reading them simple? The ECM Technika Profi PID is a great choice. This espresso machine comes with commercial-grade components and has the option to be plumbed in or used with a water reservoir, so you can choose to use this heat exchanger espresso machine in whatever capacity you see fit.

The rotary pump on this machine will ensure a quieter brew process than machines with vibration pumps, and also makes it so this machine can be plumbed into a water line. If you’re setting up this espresso machine in your office, the ability to choose which to use can make it more convenient for you and your employees.

Comparing the Technika V
ECM Mechanika IV vs Technika V vs Elektronika II Profi

ECM Mechanika IV vs Technika V vs Elektronika II Profi

ECM has one of the strongest selection of espresso machines on the market, but you might be at a loss for which to pick for your home. If you're looking for a new, high-end espresso machine for your kitchen, consider the Mechanika IV, Technika V, and Elektronika II first.
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With PID temperature control, you can also make sure that wherever you’re brewing with the Technika V Profi PID, you’re doing it with temperature accuracy and stability within 1 degree of the set temperature. The PID display also doubles as a shot timer during the brewing process, so you can make sure that you’re dialed in by brewing in the right time range.


Things we love

  • PID temperature control and display
  • Rotary pump

Things to consider

  • Steaming milk can take a full minute

Best Entry-Level Espresso Machine

Gaggia Classic Pro

The Gaggia Classic Pro
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Gaggia Classic Evo Pro Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine

1416 Reviews
Featuring several key updates including 9 bar extractions and polished steel group cover, the Gaggia Classic Evo Pro took feedback from home baristas seriously. Still made in Italy and housed in a one-piece steel frame, the Gaggia Classic Evo Pro’s 3-Way Solenoid Valve, commercial 58mm portafilter and steam wand are the perfect tools to start your espresso journey.

The Gaggia Classic Pro is one of our favorite entry-level espresso machines at Whole Latte Love. This 100 percent Italian-made espresso machine comes with a rapid heating boiler, stainless steel housing, a 58mm portafilter, and a commercial-grade steam wand. This machine is also one of the more affordable options when you’re entering the world of espresso brewing, and we consider it to be the best entry-level machine for people looking to break into the world of espresso brewing.

This machine is ready to brew in just five minutes with the rapid heating boiler. That means that by the time you’re done doing your shot prep, your machine will likely be fully heated up and ready to start brewing. After brewing, clean up is made easier as well with the 3-way solenoid valve that diverts excess water away from the puck, which results in a dry, easy to dispose of puck.

A Review of the Gaggia Classic Pro
A Review of the Gaggia Classic Pro

A Review of the Gaggia Classic Pro

The Gaggia Classic Pro is one of the best espresso machines for entry-level home baristas. Here's our take on this Italian-made, semi-automatic espresso machine.
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The stainless steel housing and compact size of the Gaggia Classic Pro make it one of the best home espresso machines for any kitchen. We do offer the Classic Pro in a few different colors as well, so if you’re looking for just the right style match for your espresso setup.


Things we love

  • Affordable
  • Built to last
  • Considered the best entry-level espresso machine

Things to consider

  • Vibration pump

Bezzera Hobby

The Bezzera Hobby
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Bezzera New Hobby Espresso Machine

33 Reviews
The Bezzera New Hobby is a compact semi-automatic espresso machine equipped with impressive steam power, a 3-way solenoid valve, and an impressive 3-liter water reservoir.

The Bezzera Hobby is equipped with an 8.4oz eco brass boiler, a commercial-style steam wand, a 3L water reservoir, and impressive steaming power, and all of these features help land it on our list of the best espresso machines. This machine is compact and sleek but packs a serious punch – it can steam 5oz of milk to 140 degrees Fahrenheit in just 14 seconds once the steam boiler is fully heated up. The two-hole steam wand tip makes it easier to roll your milk for a perfect texture, and the larger-than-average water reservoir will ensure you don’t run out of water mid-steaming. The water reservoir also has a visible level indicator, so it’s easy to know when it’s time to top off the tank.

Bezzera New Hobby Review
Bezzera New Hobby Review

Bezzera New Hobby Review

The Bezzera New Hobby is a compact and powerful espresso machine. Now offered in a stainless steel, black or red housing, it's impressive steaming power and large water capacity make it ideal for espresso lovers.
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Bezzera designed the Hobby with a few details that help make it one of the best home espresso machines out there. The 3-way solenoid valve on the Hobby diverts excess water to the drip tray, which helps keep your espresso pucks from sticking in your portafilter. The fast warm-up time means that you won’t be slowed down in the morning while waiting for your espresso machine to get hot enough to brew.


Things we love

  • 3L water reservoir
  • Impressive steaming power
  • Quick warm-up time

Things to consider

  • Vibration pump
  • Water reservoir placement

Rancilio Silvia M

The Rancilio Silvia M
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Rancilio Silvia M Espresso Machine

410 Reviews
Updated for 2020 the Rancilio Silvia M, features an updated black brew group cover, stainless steel steam wand, and includes a 58mm wood handle tamper.

The Rancilio Silvia M is the 2020 update to the Rancilio Silvia. With features like a 12oz, lead-free brass boiler and a 58mm commercial-size portafilter, the Rancilio Silvia M is among the best home espresso machines on the market. The orange indicator lights on the front of the machine make it easy to determine whether or not the Silvia is ready to brew espresso or steam using the stainless steel steam wand.

The 12oz brass boiler on the Silvia M is the largest in its class, and this allows for a level of steam power that you don’t see on many single boiler machines. If you make a lot of milk-based espresso machines, the steam power on the Silvia M could move it up on your list and may make it the best espresso machine to meet your needs.

Comparing the Rancilio Silvia M

Compare Rancilio Silvia M and ECM Casa V Espresso Machines

The Rancilio Silvia is a well regarded, long-time favorite of those desiring an affordable, quality espresso machine in the single-boiler dual-use class. Today a comparison of the Silvia to a new machine from ECM, the Casa V.So for more than a decade the Silvia has kind of been considered the premier entry-level machine for home espresso enthusiasts. Many owners affectionately refer to theirs as miss Silvia. But could the ECM Casa V be a new contender for the unofficial title of premier entry-level machine? Stay tuned and find out as I have results of side by side performance tests and I’ll compare features, specs and build quality.
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The Silvia M is also equipped with a three-way solenoid valve, which is a commercial-grade feature that will redirect excess water to the drip tray after brewing. This results in a nice dry puck after brewing to make puck removal as easy as possible. Rancilio paid attention to the details when upgrading the Silvia M, and it results in a better experience for espresso enthusiasts of any level.

pros-cons~Commercially standard 58mm portafilter,Brass group headOne-hole steam wand,Painted iron under the drip tray can rust over timeConsiderations

Breville BES500BSS Bambino Plus

The Breville BES500BSS Bambino Plus
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Breville BES500BSS Bambino Plus

24 Reviews
The Breville Bambino Plus is single boiler espresso machine with everything you need to get started. Despite its small size, the Bambino Plus has what it takes to deliver cafe-quality espresso at home with almost no effort required.

The Breville BES500BSS Bambino Plus is a compact espresso machine that boasts an impressive 3-second heat-up time, an auto-frothing steam wand, and the ability to craft cafe-quality espresso from the comfort of your home. These impressive features make this single boiler machine one of the best espresso machines that you can get.

The heat-up time on the Bambino Plus is unmatched – in just 3 seconds your espresso machine will be ready to start brewing. The quick warm-up time can save you precious minutes in the morning, so if you’re always running a little late, this espresso machine may be for you.

Comparing the Breville Bambino Plus
Breville Bambino Plus vs. Gaggia Classic Pro

Breville Bambino Plus vs. Gaggia Classic Pro

See how the features of the premium entry level Gaggia Classic Pro espresso machine compares to Breville's Bambino Plus, a popular espresso appliance.
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The auto-frothing wand on the Bambino Plus can also help you save time both day to day and over time as there won’t be a learning curve for learning to perfectly steam your milk. You can adjust your desired temperature and texture to make sure that your milk is getting steamed to match your preferences. The wand also auto-cleans itself after every use, making routine cleaning easier than ever.


Things we love

  • Compact machine
  • 3-second heat-up time
  • Auto-frothing wand

Things to consider

  • No spout for dispensing hot water

ECM Casa V

The ECM Casa V
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

ECM Casa V Espresso Machine

82 Reviews
The Casa V from ECM is the premier semi-automatic machine, and we’re happy to say it’s best-in-class under $1000. German design and Italian craft reflect in the clean, exquisite construction expected from ECM, inside and out.

The ECM Casa V is the best espresso machine for you if you’re looking for upgraded features on a single boiler machine like a two-hole steam wand tip, an 94oz larger-than-average water reservoir, and a heat-up time of just 5-7 minutes. This stainless steel machine looks simple and classic, and it’s also equipped with a brew pressure gauge, a feature not seen on many single boiler machines out there, especially for the price.

With a two-hole steam wand tip, it’s easier than ever to get the right rolling effect for your milk while steaming it. The 94oz water reservoir will also help ensure you won’t have to constantly replenish your water if you’re brewing and steaming multiple drinks back to back.


Things we love

  • Quick heat up
    94oz water reservoir

Things to consider

  • Vibration pump

Best Automatic Espresso Machines


Best Espresso Machines of 2024

JURA ENA 4 Super-Automatic Espresso Machine - Full Metropolitan Black

6 Reviews
The ENA 4 from JURA offers an affordable yet impressive super-automatic espresso experience. With the Intelligent Pulse Extraction Process, the machine optimizes extraction times for barista-level espresso shots and grinds exceptionally fast in order to extract as much flavor as possible from your espresso.

The JURA ENA 4 is a simple and straightforward bean-to-cup espresso machine with four drink options, a uniquely designed water reservoir, Wi-Fi connectivity, and an AromaG3 grinder. This automatic espresso machine may not have all of the bells and whistles as those at a higher price point, but it still is a reliable, more affordable option and is one of the best home espresso machines on the market.

If you prefer drinking straight espresso, espresso doppio, coffee, or café doppio, the JURA ENA 4 is for you. This machine doesn’t have the capability to froth milk, but it will quickly and quietly brew your chosen drink. You can choose the strength of your beverage as well as the grind settings, so you can get a customized cup of coffee every time.

The Wi-Fi capabilities on this machine allow it to connect to the J.O.E. app on your phone where you can view the levels for your beans and water, see maintenance reminders, and more. The app takes away the need for a spot on the machine that shows an alert that the beans and water levels are low, so instead JURA could focus on making the design on the ENA 4 as unique as possible. The diamond-like pattern of the water reservoir and all-black body of this machine makes it a stylish choice to fit in any kitchen.


Things we love

  • Built-in AromaG3 grinder
  • Unique exterior design
  • Wi-Fi connectivity

Things to consider

  • No options for milk drinks
  • Few bells and whistles

Gaggia Magenta Prestige

The Gaggia Magenta Prestige
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Gaggia Magenta Prestige Super-Automatic Espresso Machine

152 Reviews

The Gaggia Magenta Prestige is a sophisticated and powerful espresso machine that produces authentic one-touch milk drinks on the fly with a crisp full color display and easy to navigate menu.

The Gaggia Magenta Prestige is one of the best home espresso machines we offer because of its wonderful features, such as its built-in milk-steaming system, its compact design, and its 12 customizable drink options. If you’re looking for an automatic espresso machine that’s going to give you all of the options you want to customize drinks to your exact preferences, this is a great choice for you.

The Magenta Prestige comes with a built-in milk carafe that allows you to automatically brew milk drinks like cappuccinos and flat whites with just the touch of a button. The milk carafe is easy to remove and store in the fridge when you’re not using it, and it’s also easy to clean after use. The ease of use when brewing milk-based espresso beverages with the Magenta Prestige helps make it one of the best espresso machines we offer.

With 12 different customizable drink options, you can brew whatever drink you’re in the mood for to fit your exact preferences. The drink options include ristretto, espresso, espresso lungo, coffee, americano, cappuccino, café au lait, café cortado, frothed milk, flat white, latte macchiato, and hot water. You can customize the strength and dose of your drinks as well, so you’ll get the right taste to fit your preferences every time.


Things we love

  • 12 customizable drink options
  • Full-color display
  • Maintenance prompts

Things to consider

  • Puck disposal tray is small


The JURA Z10
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

JURA Z10 Super-Automatic Espresso Machine in Diamond Black

34 Reviews
The JURA Z10 in Diamond Black revolutionizes fully automatic espresso brewing. Enjoy a full of drink options, from hot to cold. Go from the trendy flat white, to an iced coffee brewed with the Z10’s new Cold Extraction Process. Plus, take full advantage of the Product Recognizing Grinder (P.R.G.) to enjoy the perfect grind for whatever beverage you prepare.

The JURA Z10 is a unique automatic espresso machine that stands apart from its competitors because of its Cold Extraction Process and Product Recognizing Grinder (PRG). This bean to cup machine will allow you to customize your drink no matter which of the 32 options you choose. The sleek, unique design of this machine makes it both aesthetically pleasing and a standout when it comes to making great coffee and espresso beverages.

The Cold Extraction Process of the Z10 is unique and makes this an easy choice for our list of the best espresso machines we carry. The Cold Extraction Process pulses cold water through the puck to keep the espresso or coffee cold during the brewing process, which ensures that your iced beverage isn’t watered down by ice and is nice and cold when you drink it. If you like iced lattes, cold brew, or other iced espresso or coffee beverages, the Z10 should definitely be an espresso machine you consider investing in.

The Product Recognizing Grinder (PRG) recognizes that different espresso and coffee beverages will require different grind sizes. This means that your coffee will be dialed in for every drink you brew, so there’s less of a chance of your drink being over- or under-extracted. Along with automatic changes to the settings, you can also manually adjust the settings to change the volume and strength of your beverage.


Things we love

  • Product Recognizing Grinder (PRG)
  • 32 different drink options
  • Cold Extraction Process

Things to consider

  • High price tag

Gaggia Cadorna Prestige

The Gaggia Cadorna Prestige
Best Espresso Machines of 2024

Gaggia Cadorna Prestige Automatic Espresso Machine

261 Reviews
The Gaggia Cadorna Prestige is a remarkable bean-to-cup machine with 14 customizable beverages, the option to create 4 user profiles, and an integrated milk carafe for making top quality milk drinks.

The Gaggia Cadorna Prestige can brew 14 different types of coffee and espresso beverages and has an integrated milk carafe for milk drinks, a full-color TFT screen display, and ceramic burrs in the built-in grinder. With the option to program four unique user profiles, everyone in your household can customize their favorite espresso or coffee beverages.

Comparing the Gaggia Cadorna Prestige
Gaggia Cadorna Prestige vs JURA E8

Gaggia Cadorna Prestige vs JURA E8

An in-depth comparison of 2 popular espresso machines: the Gaggia Cadorna Prestige and the JURA E8. Which one offers the most value for your money?
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This compact machine comes with a built-in grinder with ceramic burrs that can help prevent overheating. If you prefer to use your own grinder or a pre-ground coffee, there’s also a bypass chute you can use. The design of the Cadorna Prestige also ensures that the entire process from grinding to brewing is quiet, so you won’t disturb other members of your household if you’re brewing early in the morning.


Things we love

  • Customize up to four different user profiles

Things to consider

  • Compact water reservoir and bean hopper
  • Compact drip tray and grounds container


Best Espresso Machines of 2024

JURA GIGA 6 Espresso Machine

11 Reviews
The JURA GIGA 6 is a luxury dual boiler super-automatic espresso machine that brings the cafe to the home or office. Equipped with two thermoblocks, two grinders, two hoppers, and a wealth of adjustable settings, you can expect full control over it's 28 specialties.

The JURA GIGA 6 is an automatic espresso machine that comes with 28 drink options, a 4.3-inch full-color touchscreen display, the option to control the machine via an app, and two thermoblocks as well as two built-in bean hoppers and grinders. These unique features make the GIGA 6 stand out as one of the best espresso machines because of the high level of customization that you can achieve. You can adjust the milk temperature, strength, brew temperature, and volume of your beverage to get your drink just the way you want it.

The inclusion of two separate built-in bean hoppers and grinders can not only speed up the process of brewing, but you can also program different drinks to pull from one hopper or the other instead of the pre-set 50/50 split that the machine comes with. That means that you can have one hopper dialed in for espresso and the other dialed in for coffee without having to adjust your grind settings each time you want to switch between the two.

The customization doesn’t stop with getting to choose which bean hopper you’re using beans from. You can choose from 10 different temperatures for milk, three different brewing temperatures for your espresso or coffee, and 10 strength settings for your drinks. On top of that, you can adjust the volume of your coffee or espresso beverage before brewing or during the brewing process if you realize you had the wrong settings.


Things we love

  • 28 customizable drink options
  • Dual bean hoppers and ceramic disk grinders

Things to consider

  • High price tag

In Conclusion

Whatever you’re looking for in an espresso machine, this list of the best espresso machines we have to offer at Whole Latte Love should be able to help you choose what’s right for you. If you have any questions about the espresso machines on this list or want some help choosing which is best for you, feel free to contact our dedicated customer service team for more information.

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